It's Time to Re-reflect...

Guys, do you feel sometimes Time runs so fast, even flies? As you see on the side-bar of my blog, the Hand of Time moves every single second, and it will hit back anyone who moves slower than it. Even sometimes its longer Hand will slap on your face if you waste it to do useless things.

Of course that's just a metaphore, but let's ask ourselves and answer honestly: have we learned a lot so far--at least for this half-semester term--either from lectures, routines, or any activities in our life?

To be honest, it's such a difficult question for me. Sometimes, I just run my schedule without taking any lesson from that. Maybe I learn something, but I just not realize it.

Living in the world without realizing its essence is like visiting a big library without touching its books
The Secret Teachings of All Ages_Dan Brown

That sentence inspires me to re-reflect on my life. Yes, reflection helps me so much in answering the question above. This blog is one of the tools, besides notes on my room wall I made at the beginning of the semester.

2 months ago, I listed all assignments I have to do in the 3rd semester. Once finishing one assignment, I will cross it out, and up to now I have crossed some of them.

Those notes are not just a reflection tool, but also a planner and a reminder. By looking at it, I can know what should I do at the moment, or what I can postpone, or what I can explore before it's explained by the lecturers.

Now, after 2 months, I admit that sometimes, I postpone what I should do at the scheduled time and it makes me doing the assignments in hurry limit to the deadline. I'm not satisfied enough with the results, honestly.

Friends, I need your help to pump up my spirit. I need your motivation to cheer my life up, because those motivational sticker doesn't really work...



  1. Anonymous said...:

    Najieb, you should be thankful that you found yourself still aware about those things. You also scheduled your plans, and took notes too. It was better that did nothing----as me.

  1. Najib said...:

    Thanks a bunch Lala...
    your comment makes me realized that everything we get, we have to be grateful.

    I just need to improve it next time. I hope this quite long holiday can cheer me up, and I can be better when we back to our routine.

    Have a great "holey day" (or holy day?), Lala!!!

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